Thursday, March 31, 2011

+1 Button in search

Use +1 to give something your public stamp of approval, so friends, contacts, and others can find the best stuff when they search. Get recommendations for the things that interest you, right when you want them, in your search results.
To participate in this experiment:
  1. Make sure you're signed into your Google Account (required)
  2. Click 'Join this experiment'
  3. Search for something you love on
  4. Click the new +1 button, and make your mark on the web
Your +1's are public. They can appear in Google search results, on ads, and sites across the web. You'll always be able to see your own +1's in a new tab on your Google Profile, and if you want, you can share this tab with the world.
Please note, it may take a while before you see the button in search results, and it may occasionally disappear as we make improvements. Your feedback will help us make it better!

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